Alessandro Padovani

Alessandro Padovani, a Full Professor of Neurology since 2004, actually Director of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences at the University of Brescia, served as Vice Rector for Research (2022-2024). Additionally, he has been the Dean of the School of Medicine and Surgery from 2012 through 1017 and Director of the Residency School of Neurology at the same University since 2005 to 2024. He has been member of the Italian Agency for Drugs (AIFA) in 2013-2014. From 2012 to 2014 Member of the National Neurology Border for Academic Examination. From 2020 through 2023 he was in Chair of the National Evaluation Quality of Research Program for ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research). His academic background includes a PhD in Psychiatry and Neuropsychology from La Sapienza University of Rome in 1994. As of October 2023, he has taken on the important role of President of the Italian Society of Neurology. His scientific interests are focused on investigating the complex relationship between genetics and clinical manifestations in neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. He published more than 900 scientific peer reviewed papers in the field of Neurology.
In 2024 he launched the Italian Strategy on Brain Health in accordance with the Ministry of Health under the auspices of the WHO, World Federation of Neurology and European Academy of Neurology.